We are currently closed for submissions. We will reopen in the fall for submissions for Issue No. 4.

For poetry, please submit no more than three poems in a single document or pasted into the body of your email.

For short fiction, creative nonfiction, essays and other text based submissions please submit one piece at a time. Submissions should be a maximum of 4,000 words. Please include word count in your email.

For art submissions all files together should be smaller than 25 MB. We recommend sending files in .jpg format. If selected, editors will reach out to request full resolution images.

We accept simultaneous submissions. If a piece has been accepted for publication please withdraw by replying to your original submission email to let us know.

We do not accept previously published work, or work generated by or with the assistance of Artificial Intelligence (AI).

To submit send an email to with “SUBMISSION” at the beginning of your subject line, followed by the genre, then your name and pronouns. Please include a 150 or less word bio in the body of your email. Submissions may be attached or pasted in the body of the email. We accept  .doc, .docx, .pdf and .rtf files. All text submissions should be formatted in 12pt Times New Roman font. For art submissions, please submit files in .jpg or .png format with a brief description of the desired resolution for viewing.

To make submitting more accessible, submissions may also be mailed to:

Alternative Milk Magazine

870 South Colorado Blvd. #1058

Glendale, CO 80246

For expedited submissions, send $5 to via Paypal with your name as it appears on your submission and we will respond within 3 days.

We are a paying publication. Payment will be issued via Paypal.

A sample copy of our standard contract (detailing which rights we acquire for our contributors' work) can be found here.